Dan Elconin
Senior Tutor & Director of Curriculum
B.A. Communications, UC Los Angeles
About Dan
“I’d appreciate a little hustle up on that.”
— Rust Cohle
Dan grew up in California and attended the University of California Los Angeles where he majored in Communication Studies and graduated magna cum laude. While at UCLA, Dan worked at the Peer Learning Lab for three years and also interned at a fancy-pants talent agency (he can neither confirm nor deny meeting Justin Bieber). As if all of this wasn’t impressive enough, Dan also had a novel published at the age of 18 and is the world’s top-ranked paperclip basketball player (we are pretty sure he made this activity up, but he swears it’s a legitimate sport and soon to be in the Olympics— both summer and winter). Out of all of the subjects he’s mastered, his favorites to teach are the SAT and ACT (he says they’re like a fun game…whatever that means). When he isn’t spending time with his beagle mix Zoey or working, Dan enjoys playing ultimate frisbee and soccer (usually whilst injured), talking about cars and sports, and gardening (he’s gotten really into succulents lately…we know, quarantine has been rough for everyone).